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Curabitur iaculis hendrerit justo et euismod.

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"Tara received the highest score we have ever had from our attendees." I can do this for your audience too!

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A Fascinating Topic of Interest

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Significance of Learning

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What Makes Me Different

Morbi a varius tellus. Aliquam enim enim, porttitor sit amet eleifend sed, mollis eget leo. Pellentesque sodales dui et ligula aliquet luctus. Phasellus vitae cursus dui. Etiam feugiat augue eu euismod dictum. Nam varius euismod arcu elementum dictum. In facilisis scelerisque sollicitudin. Integer et eleifend augue. Aliquam sagittis iaculis nisl. Fusce vitae pellentesque sapien, eu dapibus elit. Maecenas eget purus ut lectus porta fermentum.

Learn With Me!

Hey Girl You Can Membership

A private community for women who are ready to transform their life both personally & professionally. Membership includes monthly masterclasses, zoom networking, a library of resources and more.

Total Transformation Day

Embark on an 8-hour immersive journey with
a small, supportive group of participants.
Dive deep into personal transformation, release the past, clarify your goals & priorities, and
leave with actionable plans to reclaim and transform your life.

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Hey There, I'm Tara

and my mission is all about helping you rediscover your inner strength and reignite your personal power to reclaim a life you love

I’ve walked a path of resilience, overcoming domestic violence and navigating the challenging journey of being a single mom while my daughter battled high risk stage 4 childhood cancer.

These experiences have shown me firsthand the incredible strength that lies within each of us.

I’m here to guide you, providing the tools and insights you need to overcome challenges, reframe your experiences, and reclaim your power.

Whether you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or simply seeking a supportive community, I’ve got your back

.My goal is simple: to help you rekindle your inner fire, find your drive, and reignite your life. I live in the USA with my incredible daughter, Emily Grace, who’s a daily reminder of the miracles that can happen when you tap into your inner strength.

Want to learn more about my credentials?

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