"I can't wait to make your next event, your best event."

Tara helps audiences find strength in their story.

She provides insight and guidance to those facing life's most difficult challenges.

Audiences leave inspired, encouraged and ready for their next chapter.

With vulnerable transparency and a unique ability to weave humor around difficult topics she opens the space for people to feel safe to step out of their comfort zone and find their own power.

Behind her personal story of resilience, overcoming both domestic violence and her daughter's stage 4 childhood cancer diagnosis, comes 26+ years of leadership development, coaching and expertise.


Whether your organization needs a powerful keynote for motivation and inspiration, tangible practical ideas for growth, or specifically tailored coaching, your audience will leave saying, “Wow!” with a smile.

Watch My TEDx

Voted Top 5 at the

Asbury Park Conference

LinkedIn Top Leadership Voice

What People Are Saying:

"Tara had the audience going from crying to laughing ........ and everything in between!"

"If you have the desire, Tara is the one who can give you that push that you need."

"I highly recommend going to any of her workshops and events - you will never regret it!”

"WOW! The information I learned was priceless!"

"I would highly recommend Tara to anyone looking for a versatile, professional, charismatic speaker who can command a room!"

" What was your LEAST favorite part of the class? ~ “That it ended!”

Speaker ~ Host ~ Emcee ~ Moderator ~ Panelist~ Workshop Facilitator


I was voted both most talkative and worst driver of my senior class! After 4 years of French class the only thing I can actually say in French is, "Tara, tu es très bavarde" which translates to: "Tara you are very talkative!" Who knew getting in trouble all the time for talking was actually the gift I would use in the world! Now I talk from the stage, from the camera, and through the keyboard! I even have a TEDx talk which was rated in the Top 5!


I am a total wordy. I was the President of my Latin Club and I love love love the true root meanings of words. I believe words have power and we create with our words. In the Bible it says God spoke the world into existence (remember that scripture, "Let there be light and there was light.") It also says we are made in the image of God. Which means our words are just as powerful and we "create" our lives by our words. Hang out with me long enough and you'll probably hear me talking about where a word came from or what it means that no one realizes it means!


So maybe not fun but a fact that has defined my life. My only daughter was 3 when she was diagnosed with high risk stage 4 neuroblastoma (childhood cancer.) It was at the same time I was in the middle of a terrifying domestic violence divorce. That six year season shaped my life. It changed the way I see the world. I learned gratitude, resilience, and the power of my own choices. Years later I teach women how to regain their own power, reframe their experiences and reignite their lives to step into their own power.

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