Find yourself with dreams and goals but then stuck and overwhelmed because you don't actually know what to do?
Feel guilty when you are working because you're taking precious time away from your family, but then can't stop thinking about work when it's supposed to be "family time?"
Find you have sticky notes all over your desk but no actually system set up for your success?
Find your mind spinning with all the things you need to do that sometimes you end up doing nothing instead?
Often feel like the work is never done? (guess what it's not, that's why you are overwhelmed)
Forget to follow up with that hot lead because she told you to call her in a week and now it's three weeks later and you missed your shot?
Look at your phone's contact list and think, "Who
are all these people?"
Have a difficult time separating your personal and professional life and even your family is annoyed because you work "all the time?"
Find the day goes by and you wonder,
"What did I actually accomplish?"
➤The difference between a calendar and a plan sheet and why you need both for a zero guilt life.
➤How to create a harmony circle so your life reflect your true priorities
➤My secret hack to organize my contacts in my phone
➤My top productivity & organizational must have apps
➤The brain dump, the to-do-list and the single subject notebook system hack
➤The hardest time evaluator you’ll ever do and how to do it to change your life
➤How to create a folder system so you never wonder what to do
➤Why I don’t carry business cards
And more!
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